I was very fortunate to attend Nassim Haramein’s conference to celebrate the Day of Consciousness in Montreux, Switzerland, last Saturday.

Nassim is a brilliant visionary thinker who weaved together threads from both physicist giants and mystics. His Unified Field Theory is a Cosmic Tapestry that is the grand unification we’ve sought.

Imagine a cosmic quilt where:

  • Gravity, as described by Einstein, dances with quantum mechanics.
  • Black holes, those cosmic enigmas, resonate with the tiniest particles.
  • Space-time, once linear, now folds upon itself, revealing hidden dimensions.

This unified field is the cosmic loom on which reality is woven. Native cultures have long intuited what Nassim’s equations now reveal. Their oral traditions spoke of interconnectedness, cosmic memory, and the dance of energies. Nassim’s work echoes their wisdom: space itself holds memory imprints. Every rock, tree, and soul leaves an indelible mark. The ancients knew: consciousness permeates all—from the tiniest quark to the vast galactic tapestry.


Protons are Tiny Black Holes. Only a fraction of their energy comes out to the surface.

Nassim’s mind-bending proposition: Protons, those fundamental particles within atoms, harbor a secret—they behave like miniature black holes. Their radiation escapes only partially, leaving us to ponder the vastness contained within the tiniest building blocks of matter. 🔭

Imagine the cosmic dance of protons, each a microcosm of hidden dimensions, resonating with the symphony of the universe. 🌟

The Fractal Nature of Creation

Nassim’s work suggests that the fractal nature of creation implies that the patterns observed in the cosmos are self-similar across different scales, from the atomic to the galactic, indicating an underlying order and unity in the universe. 

He also proposes that all information is present at each point in space, meaning that every point contains the whole, and thus, information that seems non-local to us can be accessed through the interconnectedness of space at the quantum level. This concept aligns with the idea of a holographic universe, where each part encodes the information of the whole.

Developing one’s intuition and psychic abilities is a way to access it. And this is why I am passionate and proud to be able to teach these skills to others via the International School of Healing & Intuition, providing a safe space for people to [re]connect with these innate gifts.

Space, the Keeper of Memory

Brace yourself: Memories aren’t confined to our brains. Nassim’s research suggests that space itself holds memory imprints. 🧠

Every corner of the cosmos bears echoes of events, emotions, and experiences. The interconnectedness of all things becomes tangible—our memories etched into the very fabric of existence. 🌐

Time’s Intricate Dance with Memory

Time, that elusive river flowing through our lives, intertwines with memory. It’s not a mere linear progression; rather, it weaves a cosmic web.

Past, present, and future intersect, creating a rich tapestry—the cosmic memory bank. ⏳

Space, the Keeper of Memory

Brace yourself: Memories aren’t confined to our brains alone. Nassim’s research suggests that space itself holds memory imprints. 🧠

Every corner of the cosmos bears echoes of events, emotions, and experiences. The interconnectedness of all things becomes tangible—our memories etched into the very fabric of existence. 🌐

Nassim’s work resonates with me, deep in my cells. It provides this scientific approach to these concepts that I studied and practice with clients. It’s present in Dolores Cannon’s work, uncovered during her QHHT hypnosis client sessions. It’s also in the underlying energy healing work that I do, especially whilst releasing trauma linked to this lifetime, previous lifetimes, or through the ancestral line.

Wishing boundless love and radiant light to all on this journey ☀️🧚‍♀️🌈💖
