Last weekend marked my birthday, a momentous occasion bathed in the luminosity of a powerful full moon 🌕. Having embarked on this earthly journey during a new moon several decades ago, I’ve always felt attuned to the celestial symphony and its profound impact on my mood and body.

In the early hours of the day, as the moon cast its silvery glow, I found myself wide awake, engaged in a ritual familiar to me – a self-healing session intertwined with communication with my guides and higher self.

What aspects of myself should I focus on this year?

The answer echoed through the quietude, resonating with cosmic wisdom – it was time to journey deeper into my Higher Heart, to dissolve further into the interconnectedness of all beings.

This revelation wasn’t entirely unexpected. Those who have attended my conferences have likely heard me speak of this collective shift towards embracing the collective heart and healing. However, on this auspicious day, the message became personal, a birthday gift urging me to embody this philosophy more profoundly.


The Higher Heart Chakra, often positioned above the traditional Heart Chakra, is a center of profound love, compassion, and unity consciousness.

It fosters a connection with the universal love that transcends individuality, encouraging a deep sense of empathy, forgiveness, and harmonious interconnectedness with all beings.


Photo credit: Lea Sucikova

The first test presented itself swiftly. While I’ve never been overly fixated on birthday celebrations, this year took an unexpected turn. Two of my ‘step kids,’ sharing birthdays within three days of mine, proposed a joint celebration. It was an opportunity to put into practice the very essence I’ve been advocating – the art of transcending individuality and embracing the collective heart.

Have you found yourself stepping out of your comfort zone recently, grappling with challenges and unfamiliar situations? I invite you to share your experiences in the comments below or reach out privately if you seek support in navigating these transformative periods.

Wishing boundless love and radiant light to all on this journey ☀️🧚‍♀️🌈💖
