Have you ever felt that time seems very different when you’re having fun, than when you’re bored?
Or on a winter day, when there’s less daylight time, than on a long summer day?
That’s because time is not linear, and cannot be regimented as it is now.
Today is an invitation to take back ownership of time and celebrate it as Art, linked to the cycles of nature and its intrinsic radial evolution.
Today is the Day out of Time according to the Foundation for the Law of Time, who brought the Mayan traditions for time keeping and self-knowledge into the modern age. What resulted, between others, was the 13-moon calendar, a regular patterned calendar of 4 weeks of 7 days, for 13 months, equalling 364 days, with one day out of time where people come together to celebrate art, peace and culture.
The day out of time is celebrated on July 25, when the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, is visible on the East of the raising sun. Ancient civilisations such as the Egyptians celebrated this phenomenon and used it as a marker for counting a solar return to its same position, within 365 days.
More can be found in the new Energy of the Day planner available on my website, links in the bio.
So get creative today and take time to set your intention in a vision board for the upcoming year ahead.
With much love and In Lak’esh (I am another yourself),